DVD ripping guide DVD 9 to DVD 5 guide
DVD ripping guide DVD 9 to DVD 5 guide. This was mostly ‘borrowed’ from here.
This guide lets you rip a DVD (all titles or just the main movie) and burn it on a DVD-R (4.7) that will play on your standalone player.
I have added screen shots to better illustrate how to shrink a DVD9 to a DVD5.
It is mainly command line, but fear not. It’s easy.
One clarification before we start. When I say in the guide open a console. I mean go in whatever file manager you use and open the console from the folder you want to work in.
You could also just ‘ cd ‘ to it manually. Also you can just copy and paste my commands.
Tools needed:
DVD:Rip / dvdauthor / transcode / mjpegtools / k3b Note: All the following examples will use a DVD I own, in this case, The Matrix. Below each written are screenshots of what I did exactly. Click on the thumbnails to see a full size view. 1) Rip the DVD title(s) to harddisk with DVD:RIP in a project folder. This will create VOB files of the chosen title in that folder containing the movie and the soundtrack you picked. In DVD::RIP, File, New Project, On the storage tab, write in a name, in this case, The_Matrix. The vob files will be created in this directory. Click on the RIP Title tab, and click Read DVD table of contents. Once that is done, choose the longest track, usually the first one, but not always. Then click RIP Selected Titles/Chapters. Depending on the length of the movie and the speed of your computer, this can take a little while. 2) Most of the time you will get around 5 or 6 numbered VOB’s from a ripped title in your project folder. Concatenate (merge)those VOB files into one by running in a console: cat *.vob > movie.vob 3) You now have 1 VOB file. We need to demutliplex it and get the M2V and AC3 files out of there. From the folder, again using the console run: tcextract -i movie.vob -t vob -x mpeg2 > movie.m2v
tcextract -i movie.vob -a 0 -x ac3 -t vob > movie.ac3 They will run one after the other, don’t worry and it will produce an M2V and an AC3 file. 4) To requantize (shrink like DVDShrink on Windows) your movie so it will fit on a single DVD-R (4.7) do as such: tcrequant -i movie.m2v -o shrink ed.m2v -f 1.5 The 1.5 at the end is the shrink factor if you like. 1 keeps the movie the same (just a reference) and 2.0 would reduce it to 50% of its size. So 1.5 seems reasonable as it equals 75% of the original size once processed. If you prefer you can calculate the exact factor yourself with this formula: requant_factor = (video_size / (4700000000 – audio_size)) * 1.04 If you are including more than one audio stream or a subtitle stream, those file sizes must also be subtracted from the maximum dvd image size. All sizes are in bits. 5) Now we need to re multiplex those 2 files into a compliant DVDauthor file: mplex -f 8 -o final.mpg shrinked.m2v movie.ac3 Note: mplex will detect if a pulldown is necessary and do it. After multiplexing, always test your mpg by playing it in mplayer or other. Navigate the movie file and watch dialog to see if audio and video are in sync. If we see that the audio is out of sync a good way of finding the exact value is opening the mpg with AviDemux2. Using tcprobe -i final.mpg also outputs the shift values for video and audio , you have to add them up. To fix audio sync problems we would add the -O option with a value in milliseconds. (A / V sync is a large issue that I will not analyze here, this is for reference only if ever you would have sync issues with a DVD.) For example, if tcprobe -i or Avidemux2 upon opening the mpg file, informed us that an audio/ video shift of 66ms existed in between the streams we would add the “-O 66ms” like so: 6) Use dvdauthor from the command line as such: dvddirgen -o newdvd (create a dvd structure in a folder named newdvd) – Populate de filesystem like so: dvdauthor -o newdvd final.mpg – Create DVD information (IFO) files: dvdauthor -o newdvd -T 7)Burn the Video_TS and Audio_TS created with K3B DVD Video mode. So here is a quick summary: 1) Rip the DVD with DVD:RIP in a project folder 2) Concatenate VOB files into one by running: cat *.vob > movie.vob 3) Demux it: tcextract -i movie.vob -t vob -x mpeg2 > movie.m2v
tcextract -i movie.vob -a 0 -x ac3 -t vob > movie.ac3 4) Requantize it: tcrequant -i movie.m2v -o shrinked.m2v -f 1.5 formula: requant_factor = (video_size / (4700000000 – audio_size)) * 1.04 If you are including more than one audio stream or a subtitle stream, those filesizes must also be subtracted from the maximum dvd image size. 5) Remultiplex: mplex -f 8 -o final.mpg shrinked.m2v movie.ac3 To fix AV sync, add the -O XXms option like so: mplex -f 8 -O 66ms -o final.mpg shrinked.m2v movie.ac3 Thus correcting the sync problem. 6) Author DVD